Number of Time
The Number of Time is seven. It provides a suitable guide for everything that develops successively in the course of time. Seven can therefore also be understood as the Number of Development:
„What proceeds in time builds itself up according to the framework of the number seven; what repeats itself in various forms is well observed by taking the seven as a basis and then seeking out the corresponding formations. - Thus it is well to say to oneself: Because the earth undergoes various embodiments, we seek its seven embodiments: Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan. Because human cultures go through seven embodiments, we look for their connection, again using the seven number as a basis. - For example, we go to the first culture in the post-Atlantean period. The ancient Indian cultural period is the first, the second is the Urpersian, the third the Chaldean-Egyptian, the fourth the Greco-Latin, the fifth our own, and we await the two following ones which will replace ours as the sixth and seventh. There again we have taken the number seven in successive cultural embodiments as a basis. But we can also find our way through the karma of a human being if we look back to his three previous incarnations. If we take the incarnation of a human being of the present and, starting from this present, look back over the three previous incarnations, then it is possible to draw certain conclusions for the three next incarnations. The three previous incarnations and the present one with the three following ones again give seven. Thus the number seven is a guide for all temporal events.“ (Lit.:GA 113, p. 175)
The triple seven, 7-7-7, is considered the Number of Fulfilment, because after 7*7*7 = 343 developmental stages the goal of a developmental series is reached. Everything that follows already belongs to a completely new line of development. The expression "after" may therefore only be understood in the non-actual sense, because then one is already dealing with a completely new time being that cannot be directly related to the one that has already been completed.
- Rudolf Steiner: Der Orient im Lichte des Okzidents. Die Kinder des Luzifer und die Brüder Christi., GA 113 (1982), Neunter Vortrag, München, 31. August 1909 English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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