New Venus
The New Venus will be the sixth embodiment of our planetary system once in the distant future. It will originate from the New Jupiter following our Earth's evolution. Although this state lies far in the future, nevertheless, certain realizations can be won about it already. Indeed, when the clairvoyant consciousness is directed to the Old Sun, this image breaks down into two parts, one of which points to the future Venusian state, which is in a certain sense a repetition of the Old Sun's existence on a higher level.
„Therefore, considering the past, present and future of the earth's evolution, one can speak of Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus and Volcano evolution. - As these comprehensive relations of the development of the Earth, so also observations about a nearer future result for the consciousness. Every picture of the past corresponds also to such a picture of the future. But when speaking of such things, something must be emphasized, the consideration of which must be considered as necessary as possible. If one wants to recognize such things, one must completely renounce the opinion that the mere philosophical reflection on the sensuous reality can fathom anything. These things can and should never be investigated by such thinking. Who would believe, if he had received information about the state of the Moon through spiritual science, that he could now find out through such reflection how it would look on Jupiter, if he would keep the Earth and Moon conditions together, would be surrendering to enormous deceptions. These relations are to be investigated only by raising the supersensible consciousness to the observation. Only when the researched is communicated, it can be understood also without supersensible consciousness.
Towards the communications about the future the spiritual researcher is now in a different position than towards those concerning the past. At first, man cannot face future events as impartially as he is able to do so with regard to the past. What happens in the future excites human feeling and willing; the past is endured in a completely different way. Whoever observes life knows how this already applies to ordinary existence. But in what tremendous degree it increases, what forms it assumes in relation to the hidden facts of life, of this only he can have knowledge who knows certain things of the supersensible worlds. And thus the reason is given why the knowledge of these things is bound to quite definite limits.“ (Lit.:GA 13, p. 400f)
For the exploration of the future Venus state, however, a higher degree of spiritual insight is necessary than for the exploration of the new Jupiter state, which follows after the passage through the Pralaya of the Earth evolution.
„For a level of the supersensible vision, which is higher than the one than the one just described as necessary for the Moon and Jupiter cognition. supersensible beings and things become perceptible, which are further developed forms of that what was already present during the state of the Sun, but at the present time has such high levels of existence that they are are not available at all for a consciousness which has only reached the to the perception of the lunar forms. Also the image of this world splits into two again during inner contemplation. into two. The one leads to the cognition of the sun state of the past of the past; the other represents a future form of the Earth, namely the one into which the earth will have changed earth will have changed into, when in the forms of that world the effects of the world the effects of the earth and Jupiter processes will have flowed in. will have flowed into the shapes of that world. What one observes in this way from this future world can be called the state of Venus in the sense of spiritual science. as Venus state.“ (Lit.:GA 13, p. 399f)
For the investigation of the future Venus state, however, a higher degree of spiritual vision is necessary than for the investigation of the new Jupiter state, which follows after the passage through the Pralaya of the Earth development.
„For a stage of supersensible vision, which is higher than the one just described as necessary for the knowledge of the moon and Jupiter, supersensible beings and things become perceptible, which are more developed forms of what was already present during the state of the sun, but at present has such high levels of existence that these are not present at all for a consciousness, which has brought it only up to the perception of the lunar forms. Also the picture of this world splits into two again with inner contemplation. The one leads to the realization of the solar state of the past; the other represents a future form of the Earth, namely the one into which the earth will have changed when the effects of the earth and Jupiter processes will have flowed into the forms of that world. What one observes in this way of this future world can be called the Venusian state in the sense of spiritual science.“ (Lit.:GA 13, p. 399f)
On the New Jupiter, which precedes the Venus development, the mineral kingdom will no longer exist. Humanity, however, will have split into a higher and a lower part. On the new Venus also the plant kingdom will have disappeared. The lowest kingdom of nature will then be - in transformed form - the animal kingdom. Towards the top, however, a third human kingdom will follow. Until the end of the Venus existence it will still be possible for the most highly developed people to help the other people to find the connection to the progressive development.
„The Venus state will be such that also the plant kingdom will have disappeared; the lowest kingdom will be the animal kingdom transformed once again; going upwards, three human kingdoms of different degrees of perfection will be found. During this Venusian state the earth remains connected with the sun; the development during the Jupiter period, however, proceeds in such a way that at a certain moment the sun once again detaches itself from Jupiter and the latter receives the influence of the latter from outside. Then a connection of Sun and Jupiter takes place again, and the transformation gradually passes over into the Venus state. During this state, a special world body splits out of Venus, which contains everything that has resisted development, an "incorrigible Moon," as it were, which now approaches development with a character for which an expression is not possible, because it is too dissimilar to everything that man can experience on Earth. The developed mankind, however, progresses in a completely spiritualized existence to the Volcanic evolution, the description of which lies beyond the scope of this book.“ (Lit.:GA 13, p. 413)
- Rudolf Steiner: Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriß, GA 13 (1989), ISBN 3-7274-0130-3 English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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