
Lime or limestone belongs to the sedimentary rocks and consists mainly of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are two different forms of crystallisation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Other minerals are often added in varying proportions, such as dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), which, in addition to calcium, contains magnesium, which is open to light and is also found in the green leaves (chlorophyll) of plants, where it enables photosynthesis; other minerals include clay minerals, quartz, gypsum and others. Lime rich in clay minerals is called marl.
The lime process and its relationship to the astral body
Now, lime in nature outside is mainly formed from animal deposits, from shells of mussels, corals, snail shells, etc., so it has a strong relationship to the nature of animals, whereas it is of comparatively little significance for plants. We find it in the exoskeleton of lower animals and - in a much more internalised form - in the inner skeleton of higher animals and humans. This can already put us on the track to which lime is particularly related - it is the astral body, the drive and desire body, by which the animals (and the human being) differ from the plants. In fact, Rudolf Steiner very aptly described lime as the " fellow full of desire" (Lit.:GA 327, p. 83).
„The lime actually has a wonderful kinship with the human world of desire.“ (Lit.:GA 327, p. 82)
Lime ties the awake astral body (and in humans also the awake I) to the physical body. A too strong lime process therefore also leads to sleeplessness.
The animal form is entirely an expression of the astral urges and desires which are strongly under the influence of Lucifer. It would have a species-typical basic character through certain prominent instinctive and desirous forces, but would still be very fleeting and fluidly changeable in its overall form. In the case of lower animals, such as sea jellyfish, this is still largely the case. The more highly developed an animal is, i.e. the more intensively it is seized by the astral body, the stronger the calcification process also becomes and the more strongly the whole animal form is solidified first by the formation of the outer skeleton and then further by the formation of the inner skeleton. With this, however, a firm limit is also drawn to the effects of Lucifer. The lime binds the animals and the human being into a more or less solid form. This solidified figure is, as Rudolf Steiner makes clear, an imagination of Ahriman. Ahriman has a strong relationship with lime. Seen in this way, each individual animal form expresses a very specific relationship between the volatilising Luciferic and the solidifying Ahrimanic forces, although the Ahrimanic forces have increasingly gained the upper hand in the course of the earth's evolution. This also applies to the human form, which remains afflicted with the original sin as long as the influence of the two adversary powers is not brought into the right balance by the individual I. The human form has to be completely and utterly unchanged. The human form must be completely transformed into the expression of the individual I. Without the Christ power, however, this individualisation of the human form is not possible, for only the Christ is strong enough to carry the I-power into the bone system in order to have a formative effect there and to overcome the over-strong influence of Ahriman. Only the thoroughly individualised human form can later be so spiritualised that it becomes the permanent possession of the I. This throws a clear light on the question of resurrection.
The lower animals still resist very strongly against the increasing ahrimanic sclerotisation caused by the astral body, which is actually an incipient process of death. They try to expel the calcareous forces and push them out of their insides to the periphery, where they harden into the outer skeleton. In this way, they retain a comparatively much greater inner vitality than the higher animals, but in return they develop only a very dull consciousness. A good example of this are the mussels, which are highly alive inside but hardly conscious. The formation of the exoskeleton also clearly shows the rounding shaping tendency of lime. The lime creates a rounded body cavity that is strongly delimited from the environment, in the interior of which the life forces can only develop in a very restrained way, while in contrast, the plants can expand more or less freely and unhindered into space with their growth forces.
In the human being, too, lime causes centrifugal, excretory processes and does so in different ways in the three parts of the threefold human organism. In the metabolic-limb system lime has an expelling effect on the fluids, in the rhythmic system on the air, i.e. it is the driving force of exhalation, and in the nerve-sense system it has an expelling effect on the heat, it brings about, as it were, a kind of cooling of the nerve-sense organisation. Lime, which is an essential representative of the earth element, thus drives out the other elements and the forces connected with them and thereby makes the organism as a whole more earthly, more related to the earth.
„The carbonic calcium brought into the human organism has the peculiar tendency to have an excretory effect. Calcium supplied to the human organism is something that is excretory everywhere in the human organism. I should like to say that in the lowest human being it has a competitor in silver, but there too it has an excretory effect; so that lime everywhere excretes both aqueous and aerial matter from the organism. The lime forces which are localised in the human organism are also all that underlies human exhalation. Lime has within itself the force that acts as a motor for exhalation. And again it has in it those forces which drive out the heat in the nerve-sense organisation, bring about a kind of cooling of the nerve-sense organisation. So in the lower man, in the metabolic-limb system, it works to expel the fluids, in the rhythmic man it works to expel the air substances in the nerve-sense organisation it works to expel the heat ether - or the heat. In each of these relationships phosphorus acts in opposition to lime (see below). Lime binds, so to speak, the awake I and the awake astral body to the physical body. That is to say, I suffer from insomnia.“ (Lit.:GA 319, p. 121f)
Lime and the effect of the planets near the earth
While the planets far from the Sun work in everything siliceous, everything calcareous absorbs the forces of the celestial bodies near the Earth, the Moon, Mercury and Venus.
„You see, all that lives in the siliceous has forces that do not come from the earth, but from the so-called planets far from the Sun: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. That which emanates from these planets affects plant life in a roundabout way through the pebbles and related things. But from all that which is near the earth planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, the forces act on the plant life, also on the animal life of the earth, by the diversions of the calcareous. In this way we can speak of every field that is cultivated: pebbles and lime work in it. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars work in the siliceous, Moon, Venus, Mercury in the calcareous.“ (Lit.:GA 327, p. 36f)
The lime process in the course of the year
Limestone undergoes significant metamorphoses in the course of the year, if one pays attention to its soul-spiritual qualities. The spring lime is quite different from the winter lime. The winter lime in its entirety is, as it were, a thoroughly satisfied being. In winter, the spiritual of the Earth, the manifold elemental beings, have completely returned to the bosom of the Earth. The salts of the Earth - and especially the limestone - are completely spiritualised. This means a deep satisfaction for the lime. In a way, it is as satisfied as a human head that has struggled for a long time to find a solution to a difficult problem and now carries the solution within itself in the form of crystal-clear thoughts.
As spring approaches, the elementary beings are gradually released from the depths of the Earth, the spiritual-soul of the Earth is breathed out again. As a result, however, the limestone becomes dull in relation to its spiritual qualities. But it now develops a lively inner vitality and above all it now becomes desirous, and all the more so the more the plants sprout out of the earth. The plants extract some of the water and some of the carbonic acid from the lime, and the lime is deprived of this, but it thereby becomes more and more inwardly alive. This process continues well into the summer.
„If one moves spiritually in the course of the lime formations, one perceives satisfaction everywhere during the winter time, which lives itself out in inner lives, penetrations of this winter lime with livingly transforming formations of a spiritual kind. But when spring approaches, especially when March comes, then the lime becomes, we may say, dull with regard to its spiritual qualities. It no longer has these spiritual qualities, because the elementary beings take their way out into the universe through a kind of spiritual-cosmic breathing. It becomes dull in relation to its mental-spiritual qualities. But the strange thing is that it now becomes desirous. It develops a kind of inner liveliness. There is more and more fine life in the lime, and this life in the lime becomes all the more inwardly agitated towards spring, and then also towards summer, the more the plants sprout. These processes take place in the fine. The plants that grow out take some of the water and some of the carbonic acid from the lime, especially from the lime distributed in the earth, and the lime is deprived of this. And this means for it an inner vitality, but through this it acquires a tremendous attraction for the ahrimanic beings. These ahrimanic beings get hopes every time spring approaches. They have no other special hopes for nature, because they can only live their nature within the human being. These ahrimanic beings can otherwise work in the animal nature of man. But when it comes to spring, the impression which the spring lime makes on them gives them the opinion that they can unfold their dragon nature out into the general nature, and that by finding the spring lime alive they can also gain the possibility of attracting astral matter from the universe in order to animate this living lime, to permeate it with soul. So that, as March approaches, this strange spectacle arises for the true visionary observer of nature: One sees everywhere how the hopes of the ahrimanic beings play over the earth in imaginations, I would like to say like a spiritual wind that blows over everything, and one sees how the ahrimanic beings now make an effort to call forth from above, as it were, a rain of the astral. This rain of the astral would, if they could - they always strive for it with all possible forces -, transform the earth during the summertime, at least partially, as far as it is lime, into an animate living being.“ (Lit.:GA 229, p. 42f)

Because the lime becomes inwardly more and more alive, it exerts a tremendous attraction on the ahrimanic beings. They themselves are mainly ethereal in nature, but cold and soulless. Every year at this time the hope of the ahrimanic beings awakens that they can draw down astral matter, which they themselves lack, from the cosmos in order to animate the living lime with it. They want to imbue the earth, in so far as lime is active in it, with the soul in such a way that it would feel pain at every step, indeed at every slight touch. This would give the ahrimanic beings a tremendous sense of well-being. In tremendous imaginings these ahrimanic hopes chase over the earth in spring. But they are only illusions that the ahrimanic entities make for themselves; their hopes are regularly destroyed again every year. Ahriman does not have direct access to nature.
Man, however, does not remain unharmed by these ahrimanic illusions. By enjoying the food that thrives in this atmosphere of hopes and illusions, he also becomes imbued with these ahrimanic forces. And if these already cannot pull down the astral of the cosmos, they now reach all the more for the spiritual of man and try to assimilate it into the earth. Little by little the earth would absorb the human being. From the earth would gradually emerge a great unified earth entity in which, as it were, all human beings would be dissolved. On the way there, the human organism would be more and more permeated by the living lime. An ever more sclerotic human form with bat-like wings and a completely ossified head would emerge, as Rudolf Steiner has indicated in the lower part of the statue of the Representative of Humanity. This figure would finally dissolve completely in the earthly, become entirely a component of the earthly-Ahrimanic entity, indeed even more, the whole human being, including his I, would become part of this Ahrimanic world. Man would himself become an ahrimanic being and would no longer be able to participate in the further spiritual development intended for humanity. He would be eliminated from the regular development and banished to the so-called eighth sphere.
„These illusions are destroyed every year. But man does not remain, so to speak, unharmed under these illusions. Man enjoys those natural products which flourish in this atmosphere of hopes and illusions, and it is actually basically a naivety of man if he believes to eat his bread from mere ground and baked grain. Inside this ground and baked grain are the illusions of the ahrimanic beings and the hopes of the ahrimanic beings. Outside they are destroyed. So much the more does the longing awaken in the ahrimanic beings, where there is already soul, in man, to reach their goal with what they want. So that every spring, even if it takes place in the intimate sphere, the human being is actually in danger of falling victim to the ahrimanic beings. Man is really much more exposed to all the ahrimanic forces in the cosmos in this respect in spring than he is in any other season.“ (Lit.:GA 229, p. 44)
Lime formations and animal formation
In the Lemurian period, the earth was still surrounded by a primordial albumen atmosphere, from which the limestone gradually precipitated and combined with the cartilaginous masses of the animals:
„If you just go out into the Jurassic, you have this limestone. This is later, but it has also come to the earth from the cosmos just like the siliceous. But this calcareous rock continues to seep in, and essentially this calcareous rock causes the earth to become denser and denser at its core. The lime contains forces of formation everywhere which have relatively not come out. We find that this whole albumen atmosphere actually has a continual going up and down of lime. Lime vapour is formed and again lime rain. This lime has a special attraction to this jelly, to these cartilaginous masses. It penetrates them, impregnates them with itself. And through the earthly forces that are in it, it dissolves the whole mass of jelly that has formed there as a curdled protein. The lime takes away from the sky what the sky has formed in the protein substance and carries it closer to the earth. And from this gradually arise the animals that have calcareous bones. This is something that forms in the later Lemurian period.“ (Lit.:GA 232, p. 80)
The limestone mountains then formed from the remains of these animals. Here the formation of the limestone formations is opposite to the process of animal formation:
„Limestone mountains are essentially based on a process of earth formation which we can call de-animalisation. It is the opposite process of becoming animal.“ (Lit.:GA 313, p. 14)
On the other hand, the lime formations formed on earth in turn have an attractive effect on the animal-forming cosmic forces:
„Essentially, everything that is undefined, formless will in the animal is to be found within the direct sunlight. But all that gives the animal its independent form, which is not adapted to the earthly, is - yes, it is to be expressed in the very proper sense - floating up from the glow of the moonlight. All forms come down to earth from the moon. The fact that the different animals are shaped differently depends on the fact that the moon passes through the zodiac. Depending on whether it is in Aries, Taurus or Gemini, it exerts a formative power on the animals in different ways. This also gives rise to an interesting connection between the zodiac and the animal form itself, which has been divined in the old dreamlike wisdom. Now that which in a certain sense attracts down to the earth these formations, which would otherwise be lost in the circle of the earth like a mist, are the forces emanating from the lime formation. The mineral on earth does not only radiate radium, the mineral on earth radiates many things.
We must be clear about the fact that what we find in this way in the lime formation, for example, can be found in every detail of organic life. We can observe quite precisely, if we have the means to make such observations, that there are, for example, human beings who are, as it were, strongly inclined towards skeletal formation. By this I do not mean that they have a strong skeleton, but that they also have many calcium deposits in the rest of the organism. It is of course to be thought of in homeopathic doses, but it has its great significance there. The more calciferous people are as a rule the cleverer ones, those who can hold fine concepts together and peel them apart again. The fact that one person deposits more lime than another has to do with his karma. A person who is predisposed by his earlier earthly life to become a particularly clever person in one incarnation, for example, a particularly good mathematician, develops such spiritual forces between death and a new birth, which then deposit the lime in him. We are dependent on lime deposits in us if we want to become clever. We are, on the other hand, more dependent on the deposition of clay, of that which lives, for example, in the formation of slate, clay, if we want to develop the will more.“ (Lit.:GA 213, p. 85ff)
Significance of the lime and silica processes for the formation of the head
Lime and silica processes are essentially involved in the formation of the physical head.
„There, in this physical part of the human head formation is a real primary physical process. This is not the expression of anything else, but there is that which carries out its own process. But in this physical head process we actually have a duality, a cooperation of two processes. That which happens there is an interaction of two processes which can only be understood if we look at them together with certain other processes which take place outside in the universe.
When you see outside in the universe, in the primordial mountains, the process which expresses itself in the formation of slate, namely in all that leads from the siliceous earth into the formation of slate, then you have in the forces which work in there, in this process, the process of slate formation proceeding from the siliceous earth, the polar opposite process of that which takes place here on the one hand in the physical head formation. This is an important connection between man and his environment. This process, which takes place outside in mineralisation, is once again within the human head. Today, I would say, it is almost clear for geology, even if not yet completely, that everything that is the process of slate formation, the process of all mineralisation in which silica, silicon, is involved, is connected with what one could call devegetabilisation. We must, so to speak, look for plant life that has become mineral in the formation of slate, and in seeking to grasp this devegetabilisation, which is synonymous with the slate formation of the earth, we grasp that process which in another way plays in its polar opposite here in the human head. But another process plays together with it. And this other process, which plays together with this one, we must again look for outside in the world. We have to look for it where, for example, limestone mountains form. And today we have it almost as a geological truth for external science that limestone mountains are essentially based on a process of earth formation, which we can call the process of deanimalisation. This is the opposite process of becoming an animal. And again, the polar opposite process is going on in here. If, then, we ascribe to silicon and calcium, which are processes that have come to rest, a share in the physical formation of the human head, we must be clear that something plays a very important part in this physical formation of the human head, which plays a very important part outside, at least in the whole nature of our earth. At the same time we can already prepare ourselves for the fact that if we look at the silica, at the silicon, it has an essential relationship to what is going on in the physical head; when I speak of silicon, it is precisely the process that has come to rest. That which is the process of calcification, that which comes to rest in calcium, has something to do with everything that is the opposite pole, that which interacts polarically with the other force in the human physical head. These processes, which we can still find all around us today, are connected in the human head with other processes which we do not find on earth, which are only present in the imprint, in that the head is the imprint of the etheric body, the astral body and the I.“ (Lit.:GA 313, p. 13f)
Lime and nitrogen
Lime and nitrogen are both strongly related to the astral forces, but in different ways. Nitrogen keeps the human being open to the universe, while lime prepares him "in such a way that he in turn substitutes his own organisation for that which wants to work into him cosmically through the nitrogen." (Lit.:GA 213, p. 88ff) The human being constantly oscillates back and forth between these two effects.
Phosphorus as the counterpart of lime
Lime has its direct counterpart in phosphorus, the carrier of light. Phosphorus fuels the activity of the will and is the energy supplier par excellence in the animal and human organism. The I works in the will and phosphorus is the I-carrier that mediates this will activity. However, through too much phosphorus "the will begins to fidget."
„And if we simply have too much phosphorus in us, that is, eat too fiery food, then we become a terrible fidgeter, who wants to attack everything, who always wants to want. Because we have the phosphorus, the will is there. And if we have too much phosphorus, then this will begins to fidget. And when the organism is such that it sends up too much phosphorus into the head through its whole composition, then the human being not only begins to fidget and, as they say, to fidget nervously - this has nothing to do with the nerves but with the phosphorus - but he begins to rage and becomes a madman, becomes addicted to rage. We have to have a little bit of phosphorus in us so that we can want at all. But if we make too much phosphorus in ourselves, then we become mad.“ (Lit.:GA 347, p. 114)
Phosphorus frees the astral body and the I from their bondage to the physical body and thereby promotes sleep. But this only happens after it has first stimulated the conscious activity of the human being. Phosphorus, in contrast to sulphur, has a strong tendency to form salts as phosphate in the human organism. The salts, however, form the basis for the crystal-clear thinking on which self-consciousness is founded. Sleep occurs here, as it were, as a healthy consequence of the fatigue that results from conscious activity. Sulphur, on the other hand, which has little tendency to form salt in the organism, dampens consciousness by stimulating etheric activity. In this way it also promotes sleep, but without first fuelling consciousness.
The centrifugal forces of lime are counteracted by phosphorus with its centripetal tendency. In the metabolic-limb system it does not have an excretory effect but an attractive effect on the fluids or, better, on the solid in dissolved form; in the rhythmic system it causes inhalation and it brings the airy into the organism in such a way that it warms the nerve-sense organisation.
Phosphorus plays a very important part in the formation of the inner skeleton. The bones of the body skeleton consist of about 50% hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)), the dental bone of about 70% and the tooth enamel even of about 97%. In the tubular bones of the limbs, the light-related radiating formative tendency of phosphorus emerges very clearly, while the skull, which is basically an exoskeleton, reveals the rounding formative power of lime. On the other hand, the fat-like solidified phospholipids (above all the cephalins - from the Greek: kephalos = "head"), of which the almost dead white brain substance is very rich, are an essential basis for the consciousness of thought. These salt-like substances are permeable to the spiritual and reveal it in the form of crystal clear thoughts. Mediated through the phosphorus, the spiritual light shines here in thought form. Thoughts are to be understood as the dead end product of living thought, solidified in defined forms. The actual living thought process, on the other hand, takes place in the cerebral spinal fluid that swings up and down in the rhythm of breathing, and from here it spreads to the grey cerebral cortex, which is abundantly supplied with blood and is therefore still relatively alive.
Phosphoric acid lime forms the point of attack for the cosmic forces to build up the skull, carbonic acid lime correspondingly for the earthly forces to build up the tubular bones. Carbonic acid lime in the skull and phosphoric acid lime in the tubular bones, on the other hand, are deposit products (Lit.:GA 316, p. 43ff)
Carbonic acid lime as a remedy
Lime discharges surplus spiritual-emotional forces to the outside:
„If you examine the oyster from a spiritual-scientific point of view, you will come to recognise that although this oyster is a very low creature in the animal series, it nevertheless occupies a relatively high place in the entire cosmos because that which man carries within himself as his thinking is separated from it. To a certain extent, the forces which form the shell and lead it from the inside to the outside show the way in which that is led out of the oyster which, if it were to combine with its organic growth, would make the oyster very clever, which would shape the oyster into a very high animal being. That is conducted outwards, that is discharged. And you can literally see, I would say tangibly, the work of the carbonic acid lime in this emergence of the oyster shell, this work which directs the too strong spiritual-emotional activity out of the organism. If you now find that an excess of spiritual-emotional activity is asserting itself in the lower body, which also occurs in certain forms of disease, you will have to resort to the remedy which you have to thank the oyster shells or similar substances which, I would like to say, work from the inside out through the mysterious powers of carbonic acid lime.“ (Lit.:GA 312, p. 104f)
- Rudolf Steiner: Menschenfragen und Weltenantworten, GA 213 (1987) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Das Miterleben des Jahreslaufes in vier kosmischen Imaginationen, GA 229 (1999) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Der Mensch als Zusammenklang des schaffenden, bildenden und gestaltenden Weltenwortes, GA 230 (1993) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Geisteswissenschaft und Medizin, GA 312 (1999) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Geisteswissenschaftliche Gesichtspunkte zur Therapie, GA 313 (2001) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Meditative Betrachtungen und Anleitungen zur Vertiefung der Heikunst, GA 316 (2003) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophische Menschenerkenntnis und Medizin, GA 319 (1994) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Geisteswissenschaftliche Grundlagen zum Gedeihen der Landwirtschaft, GA 327 (1999) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
- Rudolf Steiner: Die Erkenntnis des Menschenwesens nach Leib, Seele und Geist. Über frühe Erdzustände, GA 347 (1995) English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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