Forgiveness of Sins
Through the forgiveness of sins, the Christ takes upon Himself the objective consequences of our sins, which are inscribed in the world memory, the Akasha Chronicle. This applies to all human transgressions, also to those that fall into the time before the Christ's life on earth, and is also independent of whether the human being turns to the Christ or not. However, they are then only visible in the Akashia Chronicle to those who have connected themselves with the Christ Impulse.
The forgiveness of sins, however, in no way relieves the human being from compensating for the karmic repercussions of his transgressions on his own being in the course of the reincarnation process.
„The guilt that we have brought upon ourselves, the sin that we have brought upon ourselves, is not merely our own fact, but an objective fact of the world; it is also something for the world. That which we have done wrong we make up for in our karma; but that we have put out someone's eyes, that has happened, that has really taken place, that remains for the objective course of the world. We make up for the blemish we have inflicted on ourselves in our karma, but the objective fact of the world remains, and we cannot erase it by removing the imperfection from ourselves. We must distinguish between the consequences of a sin for ourselves and the consequences of a sin for the objective course of the world. If we look at the time of the development of humanity since the Mystery of Golgotha, and if we approach the Akasha Chronicle without being penetrated by the Christ Being, we are very easily led astray - very easily led astray. For in this Akasha Chronicle there are records which very often do not agree with what is found in the karmic evolution of individual human beings. Let us assume that in the year 733, for my sake, some human being lived and at that time incurred a heavy guilt. Now one examines the Akasha Chronicle, at first without having any connection with the Christ. And lo and behold, the guilt in question cannot be found in the Akasha Chronicle. But if we now go to the man who has lived on and examine his karma, we find: Yes, there is still something in this man's karma which he has to pay off; it should be there in the Akasha Chronicle at a certain time, but it is not there. This comes from the fact that the Christ has actually taken upon himself the objective guilt. At the moment when I penetrate myself with the Christ, when I search the Akasha Chronicle with the Christ, I find the fact. Christ has taken it into his kingdom and carries it on as an entity. Karmic justice remains, but with regard to the effects of a guilt in the spiritual world, the Christ steps in, takes this guilt into His kingdom and carries it on, and this has significance not only for the time after the Mystery of Golgotha, but also for the time before the Mystery of Golgotha. It is no mere legend that the Christ really went down to the dead after death. But in so doing he also did something for the souls who had incurred guilt and sin in previous times.“ (Lit.:GA 155, p. 183ff)
The forgiveness of sins by the Christ is a voluntary gift of grace which the Christ offered to humanity through his sacrificial act on Golgotha, and without this the earth could not properly transform itself into its next state of development, the future Jupiter.
„Let us remember the end of the earth once, let us remember the time when men will have gone through their earthly incarnations. The human souls will have to have balanced their karma in a certain way. But let us imagine that all guilt would remain in the earth, that all guilt would work in the earth. Then at the end of the earth's time the human beings would arrive with their karma balanced, but the earth would not be ready to evolve over to Jupiter, and the whole of earth humanity would be there without a dwelling-place, without the possibility of evolving over to Jupiter. That the whole earth evolves along with mankind is the consequence of the deed of the Christ. Everything that would accumulate as guilt for the earth would push the earth into darkness, and we would have no planet for further development. We can take care of ourselves in karma, but not for the whole of humanity and not for that which is connected with the whole evolution of humanity. Because the Christ died on Golgotha, man will not see his tablets of guilt, but he will see the One who has taken them over; he will see united in the Being of the Christ all that would otherwise be spread out in the Akasha Chronicle. The Christ stands before him instead of the Akasha Chronicle.
And if the Christ has, as it were, given those who work in his spirit the commission to forgive sins, it is never and never meant to interfere with karma, but it is meant that the earthly kingdom is saved for him who stands in relation to the Christ from the consequences, the spiritual consequences of guilt and sin, which are objective facts, even if they have been balanced in later karma.“ (Lit.:GA 155, p. 186ff)
See also
- Rudolf Steiner: Christus und die menschliche Seele, GA 155 (1994), ISBN 3-7274-1550-9 English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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