Subsensible world

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The Sub-Sensible World as a Reflection of the Supersensible World (GA 130, p. 104)

The sub-sensible, sub-physical or also sub-material world, which hides as an independent sub-nature under the sensually perceptible nature, is the realm of the adversary powers. This includes the dark subterranean realm of Ahriman and the Asuras, but also the light realm of Lucifer. The sub-sensible or sub-material world underlies the physical, or more precisely, the material matter as the actual Ahrimanic-spiritual reality. Opposite it is the supersensible world as the habitat of the higher spiritual hierarchies. The sensual world forms the narrow border between the sub-sensible and the super-sensible world; it can also be understood as a Luciferian reflection of the super-sensible world on the sub-sensible world.


References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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