Region of soul light
The region of soul light is the fifth area of the astral world. Of the two basic forces of the soul-world, sympathy and antipathy, antipathy is here already completely overcome; the soul-light shines freely and widely through the soul-space.
„Higher stages of soul-materiality are characterised by the fact that in them the one basic force recedes completely, namely antipathy, and only sympathy proves to be what is actually effective. Now this can first of all assert itself within the parts of the soul-formation itself. These parts have a mutually attractive effect on each other. The power of sympathy within a soul-form is expressed in what is called pleasure. And every diminution of this sympathy is unpleasure. Dislike is only a diminished pleasure, just as cold is only a diminished warmth. Pleasure and displeasure is that which lives in the human being as the world of feelings - in the narrower sense. Feeling is the weaving of the soul within itself. The way in which the feelings of pleasure and displeasure weave in the soul depends on what is called its comfort.
A still higher level is occupied by those soul-forms whose sympathy does not remain decided in the realm of its own life. They differ from the three lower stages, as does the fourth, in that the power of sympathy has no antipathy to overcome. Only through these higher types of soul-materiality does the diversity of soul-forms unite into a common soul-world. Insofar as antipathy comes into consideration, the soul-form strives for something else for the sake of its own life, in order to strengthen and enrich itself through the other. Where antipathy is silent, the other is accepted as revelation, as manifestation. This higher form of soul-materiality plays a role similar to that of light in physical space. It causes one soul-form to absorb, as it were, the existence and being of the others for their own sake, or one could also say, to allow itself to be irradiated by them. By drawing from these higher regions, the soul beings are awakened to the true life of the soul. Their dull life in darkness opens outwards, shines and radiates even into the soul-space; the sluggish, dull weaving within, which wants to close itself off through antipathy when only the substances of the lower regions are present, becomes power and activity which emanates from within and pours outwards. The flowing irritability of the second region only works when the formations meet.
Then, however, one flows over into the other. But touch is necessary here. In the higher regions there is free radiating, pouring. (The essence of this region is rightly described as "radiating towards", for the sympathy which is developed has such an effect that the expression taken from the effect of light can be used as a symbol for it). As a plant withers in the cellar, so do the soul-formations without the soul-substances of the higher regions which animate them. Soul-light, active soul-power and the actual soul-life in the narrower sense belong to these regions and communicate themselves from here to the soul-beings.“ (Lit.:GA 9, p. 102f)
„The fifth stage of the soul world is that of the soul light. Sympathy with others already has a high value in it. Souls are related to it in so far as they have not been absorbed in the satisfaction of lower needs during physical life, but have had joy and pleasure in their environment. The love of nature, in so far as it has a sensual character, is subject to purification. But we must distinguish this kind of love of nature from that higher life in nature which is of a spiritual kind and which seeks the spirit that reveals itself in the things and processes of nature. This kind of sense of nature belongs to those things which develop the spirit itself and which establish a lasting thing in this spirit. From this sense of nature, however, there is to be distinguished such a delight in nature as has its basis in the senses. Towards this the soul needs purification just as it does towards other inclinations which are founded in mere physical existence. Many people see a kind of ideal in institutions which serve sensual welfare, in a system of education which above all brings about sensual pleasure. It cannot be said of them that they serve only their selfish urges. But their soul is nevertheless directed towards the world of the senses and must be healed by the power of sympathy which prevails in the fifth region of the psychic world and which lacks these external means of gratification. Here the soul gradually recognises that this sympathy must take other paths. And these ways are found in the outpouring of the soul into the soul-space brought about by sympathy with the soul-environment. - Even those souls who first demand an increase in their sensual welfare from their religious pursuits are purified here. Be it that their longing goes to an earthly, be it that it goes to a heavenly paradise. They find this paradise in the "land of the soul," but only for the purpose of seeing through the worthlessness of it. All these are, of course, only individual examples of purifications which take place in this fifth region. They could be multiplied at will.“ (Lit.:GA 9, p. 116f)
- Rudolf Steiner: Theosophie. Einführung in übersinnliche Welterkenntnis und Menschenbestimmung , GA 9 (2003), ISBN 3-7274-0090-0 English: German: pdf pdf(2) html mobi epub
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References to the work of Rudolf Steiner follow Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works (CW or GA), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach/Switzerland, unless otherwise stated.
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