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This template is used to link a Digitalisats within Literature references. The link is hidden when printed so as not to spoil the bibliography.





The parameter number (1=) only needs to be specified if the value contains an equal sign.

Other parameters

Google Books (GB)

Only the Google Books identifier is specified, i.e. the part that appears in the URL after http://www.google.de/books?id=.



Internet Archive (IA)

Only the identifier of the Internet Archive is given, i.e. the part that appears in the URL after http://www.archive.org/details/.



Other link text (LT) or no link text.
{{Digitalisat|GB=W1QHAAAAQAAJ|LT=Schneidewin 1837}}


Schneidewin 1837

No link text is displayed with the parameter PUR=1:




If none of these parameters are specified, "digital copy" is used as the link text.

Page number (SZ) The parameter SZ is used to specify a page number. It should be noted that the specific page identifier is used, e.g. "PAnn" for Google-Books, as often multiple page counts are used in a work (e.g. for introduction, main body, appendices).



p. 12,

In Google Books, this is a page count usually corresponding to the "normal" page number.



Introduction p. VII

The page number in the Internet Archive does not correspond to the page number of the work, but is the page number of the digital copy.

See also