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#REDIRECT [[GA 296]]
== The Question of Education as a Social Question. The Spiritual, Cultural-Historical and Social Backgrounds of Waldorf School Education ==
=== Die Erziehungsfrage als soziale Frage. Die spirituellen, kulturgeschichtlichen und sozialen Hintergründe der Waldorfschul-Pädagogik ===
Six lectures, Dornach 9 to 17 August 1919.
=== Contents (selection) ===
The education of the child. Imitation, authority, love / Echoes of the Greek and Roman soul condition in the present / Goods, work, capital. Their Relations to Imagination, Fraternity; Inspiration, Equality; and Intuition, Freedom / Education as a Question of Teacher Formation / The Metamorphoses of Human Intelligence / Overcoming Egoism, Man's Placement in the Presence
== Literature ==
* [[Rudolf Steiner]], Lisa D. Monges (Translator), Doris M. Bugbey (Translator): ''Education As a Social Problem''. Anthroposophic Press 1969 {{ASIN|B001OL4GPY}} {{rsarchive|296}}
=== German ===
* [[Rudolf Steiner]]: ''Die Erziehungsfrage als soziale Frage'', [[GA 296]] (1991), ISBN 3-7274-2960-7 {{Lectures|296}}
[[Category:GA (education)]]
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Latest revision as of 11:57, 14 September 2021

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